Arizona pet food business will grant veterans free franchise - KVOA Tucson News

Arizona pet food business will grant veterans free franchise - KVOA Tucson News

A local veteran-owned business will grant free franchise to another veteran. 

Wayne Borelli, a disabled Air Force veteran, and his wife, Samantha, are Arizona master franchisees of Husse, an international specialty pet food franchise.

The Borellis will be granting an Arizona veteran with a franchise unit for free. 

Husse is a world-leading specialty pet food company founded in Sweden in 1987 and has been available in Arizona since 2015, according to a release. 

In order to qualify, grant applications for the free Husse franchise will be accepted until Sept. 30. The franchise will be awarded at the Phoenix Veterans' Summit on Nov. 10. 

A franchise license for a territory for about 50,000 residents (valued at $15,000) will be awarded to the veteran chosen, according to a release.

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