Pet store holds pet food drive to help county seniors feed their pets - The Macomb Daily

Pet store holds pet food drive to help county seniors feed their pets - The Macomb Daily

Pet Supplies Plus, 42241 Garfield Road, Clinton Township is looking to help Macomb County senior citizens feed and care for their pets with a pet food drive that will take place from 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Friday, Oct. 7 and Saturday Oct. 8 and 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 9. Organizers are taking donations of dog and cat food, treats and cat litter. On Sunday, the store will donate five percent of all sales into food to the Macomb County Food Program. Donations made will be a part of the pet pantry effort started by the Macomb County Food Program to help those that live in the low income subsidized housing and receive the Meals on Wheels, to help them not to feel they have to share their food with their pets. Those who donate will be entered into a raffle to win gift cards from local restaurants.

They are working in partnership with the Macomb County Food Program; 4 Paws 1 Heart, which is a non profit that funds medical treatment for abandoned animals; UAW Local 228, Shelby and Clinton Township, Purina Pet Care and Mars Pet Care.

-- Macomb Daily Staff

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