Girls share Christmas gift money with animals in need - The Macomb Daily

Girls share Christmas gift money with animals in need - The Macomb Daily

The Macomb County Animal Control Division is at 21417 Dunham Road in Clinton Township. In addition to law enforcement and inspections, the facility operates a shelter for animals in need of adoption.

• There are 37 dogs in the process of being re-homed.

• There are approximately 18 cats.

The facility also assists residents with re-homing their pets (appointments necessary). However, residents are encouraged to check with local rescue groups to set their pets up for success.

For more information, visit

Hayley Holbrook, 10, of Fair Haven had a great Christmas not only because of the gifts she received but because of the one she and her friend shared with the Macomb County Animal Shelter in Clinton Township.

“We wanted to help the animals,” said Hayley, shortly after her donation and taking a few more minutes to visit with some of the animals waiting to be adopted.

Nodding and wearing a smile as big as Hayley’s was her friend.

“It’s for all for them, “ said Alyna Harrington, 10, also of Fair Haven. “We got this big huge rope (chew toy) for the dogs, some small balls and a (chew) tire. We got some little springy things, too.”


The girls made their delivery on Thursday but they’ve been talking about the idea for weeks.

“Hayley’s grandma and grandpa give her money every year. She usually puts it in her savings account but for some reason she decided to spend it on the animals. She kept asking to go shopping but with all of the hustle and bustle of Christmas we never got the chance. She finally talked her dad into taking them shopping and you wouldn’t believe all of the stuff they bought,” said Hayley’s mother, Karen Jaye. Although a role model herself –- Jaye has been rescuing animals for the past 30 years -- she refused to take any credit for the girls’ initiative.

“I had nothing to do with it,” she said. “It was all their idea.”

Her only admission was how proud she and Hayley’s dad, Steven Holbrook, felt about what their daughter did. Even the clerks at the Tractor Supply store in Chesterfield Township where the girls loaded up a cart with pet supplies were impressed with the 10-year-olds. So much so, they gave them a discount on their purchases.

“I think it’s fantastic,” said Danielle Reske, administrative assistant to the chief animal control officer enjoying the girls’ excitement. “The fact that they wanted to donate their gift money to homeless animals and at their age -- it’s inspiring.”

When asked how the donation made them feel, both girls just smiled.

“Proud,” they said.

“You should be,” added Macomb County’s chief animal control officer, Jeff Randazzo. “When other young ladies were out at the mall spending their money on themselves you were at the pet store thinking of animals in need. You’ve set a great example for others to follow.”

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