Local man to help Florida's pets - Waynesboro Record Herald

Local man to help Florida's pets - Waynesboro Record Herald

Mathew Kerr loves animals. The St. Thomas man owns and operates Matt's Mutts University, where he works with pets on behavior modification, positive reinforcement training and service and therapy training.

But Kerr is about to embark on an animal adventure that will take him into unfamiliar territory. He is heading to Florida Wednesday to help with animal rescue and recovery efforts.

Going for a ride 

Kerr said his plan to help went from being an idea to packing up his truck in under a week.

"I saw what was going on in Houston and told my wife I wished I could do something like that," he said. With the encouragement of his wife, Micki, Kerr got online and registered with a group of volunteers from across the nation to help.

It took a few days, but he was approved.

On Wednesday, he will head to Florida, pulling his trailer and Bass Tracker boat behind him. "My entire truck is now filled with cat food and dog food," Kerr said.

Most of the pet food, Kerr said, was donated by Greener Pastures no-kill animal shelter in Marion.

He plans to join up with a group south of Miami. "I have to find out where they need me," Kerr said. "I'm assuming I'm going to be hooking up with the Florida Fish, Game and Wildlife."

Learning new tricks 

Kerr said he's never done anything like this before. "Usually I just train [animals] and help with behavior modification. I've never run into situations like this trying to rescue animals," he said. "I'm just gonna go down and do the best I can. If I help people, I help people, but my goal is to help the animals."

His primary concern is that animals who were left behind or wandered off have food and fresh water. "A lot of that land water that comes in is salt water," he said.

His plan is to pack food and water in his boat if needed.

Kerr said he has done his best to prepare for whatever conditions he finds, but there are a few items he could use if someone wants to make a donation.

"I'd like to have tarps and EverReady headlamps and a few rubber strap tie-downs," Kerr said. "My major concern is my gas. I have to have gas to get home as well as gas to get down there."

He said he plans to stay south for about two weeks.

"I was given instructions I have to be back by the 28th," Kerr said. "It's my wife's birthday."

Readers who wish to donate may call Kerr at 717-491-2374.

Contact Andrea Rose at arose@therecordherald.com or 717-762-2151 or on Twitter @AndreaCiccociop.

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