Pantry providing free food for area pets -

Pantry providing free food for area pets -

The pet food pantry at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 335 Locust St. in downtown Johnstown, is inviting local pet owners to take advantage of the free food available for their cats and dogs.

Pantry coordinator Cynthia Greig said the holiday season along with the winter months can be tough for some families across the region, but the welfare of the family pet should remain a priority.

“I read the story about the two locals dogs who died of starvation,” Greig said. “It’s totally wicked. 

“This doesn’t have to happen,” she said. “No animal needs to go hungry in this area. 

“We know the bad weather is coming, and it’s only going to get worse.”

Greig said the primary focus of the pet food pantry is to feed cats and dogs, but noted that the pantry has also helped in the past to feed rabbits, guinea pigs, and other pets in the area.

Greig, who has worked with the food pantry since St. Mark’s animal welfare ministry began more than six years ago, said donations play a huge role in helping to feed area pets.

She said that the donations in recent months have helped the food pantry tremendously.

“The response has been absolutely amazing,” Greig said.

“We’ve been able to give people extra food at Christmastime.

“It’s been really, really wonderful.”

The pet food pantry is open only twice a month, but Greig said she can accommodate for those in dire need.

“We like to help in any way we can,” she said.

The pantry is open from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Thursday.

For more information, call Greig at 255-2504 or the church at 535-6797.

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