Blood donors needed
The Eastern North Carolina Blood Donation Center, 700 Cromwell Drive, will hold a blood drive from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Salem United Methodist Church, 785 McDonald St., Simpson. In addition, the ENC Blood Donation Center will be open from 6:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. today and from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday. Blood donors are needed. Call 758-1140 or 1-800-733-2767 or visit
Pet food distribution
The Pet Food Pantry of Eastern North Carolina, 408 W. Arlington Blvd., B-1, will distribute pet food from 1-4 p.m. to needy pet owners. The pantry distributes pet food at this location the second Sunday of each month and also provides pet food to pet owners through the Council on Aging Meals on Wheels program. The Pantry relies entirely on donations and the support of donors to help family pets in need. Drop off items, host a pet food drive or make a donation at
Cast iron display
The Winterville Historical and Arts Society will provide a display of various cast iron objects used in and around the home in the early days of the 19th Century from 3-5 p.m. in the Winterville Museum, located in the Cox-Ange House, 2543 Church Street in Winterville. A presentation on the use and care of these objects will be given by Jack Taft. Admission is free, but donations are appreciated. Call 321-2660 for more information or to schedule private or group tours.
Sunday in the Park
The Greenville Recreation & Parks Sunday in the Park concert series will feature country and country-pop artist Kaylin Roberson and her band out of Raleigh from 7-8:30 p.m. at the Town Common, 105 E. First St. This will be Roberson’s first appearance at Sunday in the Park. For more details, visit the Sunday in the Park page at The inclement weather hotline is 758-7246.
Coming Up
Foster parent information
The Methodist Home for Children will host a foster parent information session from 6:30-8 p.m. on Monday at St. James United Methodist Church, 2000 E. Sixth St. for anyone interested in learning more about fostering, therapeutic foster care or foster-to-adopt. To RSVP your attendance or to learn more, visit, email, or call 1-888-305-4321, Ext.6.
COA trip
The registration deadline for the the Council on Aging trip to the Ark Encounter in Williamstown, Ky., is Tuesday. The trip will be from Oct. 1-4 and includes three nights’ hotel accommodations, dinner at Emzara’s Kitchen, the Ark Encounter experience, a dinner cruise aboard the Belle of Louisville, a guided tour of Lexington and more. Cost per person is $534 (double occupancy). Space is limited; $100 will reserve a spot. For more information contact Lori Cortright at 752-1717.
Grant writing
The Darden Enlightenment Center will offer a 25-hour grant-writing course from 6-8:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays for five weeks, beginning Tuesday at 1722 W. Fifth St. The course will present the steps to writing a successful grant. The hours can be used for professional development hour requirements. A request of a $150 donation per agency is requested. All proceeds benefit the Darden Enlightenment Center Youth Programs. For more information, call 327-6231.
Jeep ride
The Eastern Carolina Jeep Jeepers will hold the First Annual “Rolling with Responders” Ride starting at 11 a.m. on Saturday at 920 Port Terminal Road. All 4 x 4 vehicles are welcome to participate in this parade-style ride with a police escort. The ride will end at AJ McMurphy’s Irish Pub, 1914 Turnbury Drive. Barbecue plates can be ordered in advance online at Vendors will be on site and there will be raffle tickets available for drawings. For more information about the Jeepers, visit Eastern Carolina Jeep Jeepers on Face book and Instagram @easterncarolinajeepjeepers.