Free pet food available for furloughed federal workers' pets - WBAL TV Baltimore

Free pet food available for furloughed federal workers' pets - WBAL TV Baltimore

The Baltimore Humane Society is helping to feed the pets of federal workers impacted by the partial federal government shutdown.

Nearly two months have passed since the shutdown began, and many federal workers are feeling the pinch, about to miss their second paycheck.


Chris Jackson is a furloughed employee of U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

"I've been there for 19 years. I just want to go back to work like I've done every day for 19 years. I don't know that it's going to end soon though," Jackson said.

Jackson said his dog, Nova, is part of the family. He has some money saved up, but buying Nova's dog food gets expensive.

"It's not cheap, but, you know, this is my kid, so I would feed her before I feed myself," Jackson said.

A big delivery came Monday to the Baltimore Humane Society to help. Safeway donated $10,000 worth of dog and cat food to the Baltimore Humane Society's pet food bank, specifically to help furloughed federal workers with pets.

"We hope that it will help make their lives a little bit easier. We know that a lot of people who don't have the savings are struggling, and we don't want them to feel like, 'Oh my gosh, I have to choose between buying pet food for my dog or giving it up,'" Baltimore Humane Society spokeswoman Wendy Goldband said.

Volunteers helped off-load thousands of pounds of food that the Humane Society will give to any federal worker who comes to its location at 1601 Nicodemus Road in Reisterstown until they run out. There will be no questions asked.

"Come in, say, 'Hey, I need some food.' If you're a federal worker, we ask that you show your federal ID. That's It. We don't income qualify. We don't care about any of that. Just come here, show us your federal ID and we'll give you a month's supply of pet food," Goldband said.

Jackson is happy to know there's help available for his fellow federal workers who love their pets just as much as he does.

"Dog food's not cheap, and to be able to come out here and alleviate that concern, at least, is huge," Jackson said.

Furloughed federal workers can visit the Baltimore Humane Society to get free pet food Tuesday through Sunday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., or Monday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
