Where will you find the best prices on pet supplies? - ABC15 Arizona

Where will you find the best prices on pet supplies? - ABC15 Arizona

PHOENIX, AZ - Are you spending more on your pets than yourself?

You may be shopping at the wrong place.

Our Smart Shopper team did the legwork so you can save time (and money) on pet supplies.

We compared popular pet items at PetSmart , Ryan's Pet Supplies and the Pet Club stores that have popped up all over the Valley.

First on our list is a gallon of Nature's Miracle Stain and Odor removal.

Ryan's Pet Supplies takes the lead charging $19.99. PetSmart charges $12 more bringing the cost to $31.99. And that's not even the most expensive. Pet Club charges $8 more than that; meaning it's $39.99 for the same bottle.

Next Grannicks Bitter Apple Spray.

Again, Ryan's Pet Supplies kills the competition charging $5.99 for an eight ounce bottle.

You'll pay $9.99 at the Pet Club.

And this time PetSmart has the highest cost at $10.99.

We shopped at Pet Club and a large part of their store focuses on pet food. However, Ryan's doesn't sell food, so we'll have to leave them out of this round.

A five pound bag of Nutro puppy food will cost you $15.99 at PetSmart.

At at Pet Club, you'll have to pay a dollar more.

In fact, you'll pay more for most of the items we checked at Pet Club and you'll save the most at Ryan's Pet Supplies.

But keep in mind Ryan’s is a warehouse so they have bankers hours, meaning not open evenings or weekends.

Where do you find the best deals on pet supplies? Share on our SmartShopper15 Facebook page!

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