Mishawaka pet food distributor combats lingering neighborhood odors - WNDU-TV

Mishawaka pet food distributor combats lingering neighborhood odors - WNDU-TV

MISHAWAKA, Ind. (WNDU) - Folks who live near Logan St. in Mishawaka may soon be able to breathe a sigh of relief. WellPet, an organic pet food distributor, has generated a lingering stench in the neighborhood for several years.

Dale “Woody” Emmons, 1st District, Mishawaka Common Council.

The odor, that many neighbors of the factory consider a nuisance, could very well be no more. Wednesday, the firm installed deodorizing units to help clear the air.

Dale “Woody” Emmons, 1st district representative for the Mishawaka Common Council spearheaded the initiative. He says the overwhelming complaints from neighbors about the stench encouraged him to take action.

Emmons has lived in the neighborhood for more than 40 years, and says the odor depends on what the factory is making on that particular day.

“Sometimes it smells like rotten fish, because they make cat food and dog food. It just depends on the ingredients they're making, but cat food is the worst,” said Dale “Woody” Emmons, 1st District, Mishawaka Common Council. “Depending on what they're making, the odor varies; depends on the wind factor, depends on whether it's a muggy day. And sometimes it's very hard to breathe. When the wind comes from the west, it settles in this area, and you can't have outside functions.”

The deodorizing units are up and running, but Emmons says it may take some time for nearby residents to notice a difference. Fine-tuning the machines for all weather conditions could take one to two months.

In a statement to NewsCenter 16 Friday afternoon, WellPet's Mishawaka Plant Director Doug Mitchell said "Ecosorb" is a green solution to eliminating odors.

"WellPet values being part of the Mishawaka and greater Michiana region community. Our goal is to be the best neighbor we can be," said Mitchell.

Mitchell says after a two-month trial run, the company plans to permanently install the system.

Emmons says he wants to hear from folks on whether or not they notice a difference in the air. This will help him keep track of odors and report back to WellPet with any obnoxious smells that continue to linger.

About WellPet:

According to its website, WellPet works to make nutrition “natural, healthy and above all, safe.” For more than 100 years, the company has provided organic food products for pets. Currently, WellPet owns five brands: Wellness, Holistic Select, Old Mother Hubbard, Eagle Pack and Sojos.