Ownership Action Alert: Central Garden & Pet Co (NASDAQ:CENT) Institutional Investor Sentiment Is 2.42 - Post News

Ownership Action Alert: Central Garden & Pet Co (NASDAQ:CENT) Institutional Investor Sentiment Is 2.42 - Post News

November 14, 2016 - By Peter Erickson   ·   0 Comments

Ownership Action Alert: Central Garden & Pet Co (NASDAQ:CENT) Institutional Investor Sentiment Is 2.42

Sentiment for Central Garden & Pet Co (NASDAQ:CENT)

Central Garden & Pet Co (NASDAQ:CENT) institutional sentiment increased to 2.42 in 2016 Q2. Its up 1.27, from 1.15 in 2016Q1. The ratio improved, as 63 hedge funds started new or increased stock positions, while 26 sold and reduced their equity positions in Central Garden & Pet Co. The hedge funds in our partner’s database reported: 9.04 million shares, up from 8.54 million shares in 2016Q1. Also, the number of hedge funds holding Central Garden & Pet Co in their top 10 stock positions increased from 1 to 2 for an increase of 1. Sold All: 9 Reduced: 17 Increased: 38 New Position: 25.

Central Garden & Pet Company is a marketer and producer of branded products, and distributor of third party products to pet, and lawn and garden supplies industries. The company has a market cap of $1.49 billion. The Company’s divisions are Pet and Garden. It has a 31.39 P/E ratio. The Company’s Pet segment is engaged in the manufacturing, purchase, sale and delivery of internally and externally produced pet supplies, books and food to independent pet distributors, national and regional retail chains, grocery stores, mass merchants and bookstores.

The stock increased 7.76% or $2.02 on November 11, hitting $28.05. Central Garden & Pet Co (NASDAQ:CENT) has risen 79.00% since April 12, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 74.02% the S&P500.

Analysts await Central Garden & Pet Co (NASDAQ:CENT) to report earnings on December, 5. They expect $0.05 earnings per share, up 400.00% or $0.04 from last year’s $0.01 per share. CENT’s profit will be $2.66 million for 140.25 P/E if the $0.05 EPS becomes a reality. After $0.48 actual earnings per share reported by Central Garden & Pet Co for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts -89.58% negative EPS growth.

According to Zacks Investment Research, “Central Garden & Pet Company is a leading innovator, marketer and producer of quality branded products for the lawn & garden and pet supplies markets. Committed to new product innovation, ITS products are sold to specialty independent and mass retailers in the following categories: In Lawn & Garden: Grass seed including the brands Pennington and The Rebels; wild bird feed and the brands Pennington and Kaytee; weed and insect control and the brands AMDRO, Sevin, Ironite and Over ‘N Out and; decorative outdoor patio products and the brands Norcal, New England Pottery and Matthews Four Seasons. The Company also provide a host of other regional and application-specific garden brands and supplies. It also provide a host of other application-specific Pet brands and supplies.”

Drill Craig A holds 6.76% of its portfolio in Central Garden & Pet Co for 150,200 shares. University Of Notre Dame Du Lac owns 106,567 shares or 2.3% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Arbor Capital Management Llc has 1.83% invested in the company for 152,206 shares. The Massachusetts-based Rutabaga Capital Management Llc Ma has invested 1.55% in the stock. First Wilshire Securities Management Inc, a California-based fund reported 80,329 shares.#img1#

Insider Transactions: Since January 1, 0001, the stock had 0 insider purchases, and 23 selling transactions for $9.16 million net activity.

Central Garden & Pet Co (NASDAQ:CENT) Ratings Coverage

Ratings analysis reveals 50% of Central Garden & Pet Company’s analysts are positive. Out of 4 Wall Street analysts rating Central Garden & Pet Company, 2 give it “Buy”, 0 “Sell” rating, while 2 recommend “Hold”. CENT was included in 4 notes of analysts from December 8, 2015. The firm has “Buy” rating given on Thursday, June 16 by SunTrust. As per Monday, October 31, the company rating was upgraded by Sidoti. KeyBanc Capital Markets initiated the stock with “Sector Weight” rating in Monday, February 22 report.

CENT Company Profile

Central Garden & Pet Company, incorporated on May 13, 1992, is a marketer and producer of branded products, and distributor of third party products in the pet, and lawn and garden supplies industries. The Company’s divisions are Pet and Garden. The Company’s Pet segment is engaged in the manufacturing, purchase, sale and delivery of internally and externally produced pet supplies, books and food principally to independent pet distributors, national and regional retail chains, grocery stores, mass merchants and bookstores. The Company’s Garden segment is engaged in the manufacturing, designing and distributing of lawn and garden products to national and regional retail chains, independent garden distributors, grocery stores, nurseries and garden supply retailers.

More important recent Central Garden & Pet Co (NASDAQ:CENT) news were published by: Streetinsider.com which released: “Central Garden & Pet Company (CENTA) Acquires Segrest in $60M Deal” on October 24, 2016, also Businesswire.com published article titled: “Central Garden & Pet Names George C. Roeth Chief Executive Officer”, Businesswire.com published: “Central Garden & Pet Announces Executive Appointments” on October 06, 2016. More interesting news about Central Garden & Pet Co (NASDAQ:CENT) was released by: Businesswire.com and their article: “Central Garden & Pet Company Announces Fiscal Third Quarter Results” with publication date: August 02, 2016.

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By Peter Erickson