Groups help pets get a fresh start - Gainesville Daily Register

Groups help pets get a fresh start - Gainesville Daily Register

What does a 4H Dog Club, First Christian Church and Abigail’s Arms Family Crisis Center all have in common? They all provide out reach services, mission services and compassion for families and pets.

The Cooke County Courageous Canines 4H Dog Club recently gathered items that families from Abigail’s Arms may need. Often, when a family becomes a client of Abigail’s Arms, there are pets that are affected as well as the people in the family.

As a community service project, the 4H club members committed early this school year to put together re-starter kits. These kits will help the families get back on their feet with pet supplies. The fall service project was delivered Wednesday morning to Rosina Salsman of Abigail’s Arms.

Over a two month time span, this 4H club of youth dog handlers, gathered dog supplies to make the Pup Re-Starter kits. The items collected included dog collars, leashes, feed bowls, dog beds, poop bags, treats, chew sticks, toys and other assorted items important to taking care of family pets.

Additionally, there were corporate sponsors. Muenster Milling provided bags of Natural Grain Free treats in 16-ounce bags for each kit. Victor Pet Food provided Select Ocean Fish dog food in small bags for each kit. And D&L Farm and Home of Gainesville provided free dog wash coins for their self service Rocket Wash.

The First Christian Church of Gainesville y provided a class room for the Courageous Canines. This class room is storage for all of the 4H clubs’s training supplies, equipment and documents. The FCC Christian Life Center is home to their training classes, making it possible for all the dog events to be indoors and environmentally comfortable.  

Before packing up all of the re-starter kits last week, the Rev. Mark Loewen of First Christian Church blessed the supplies being given to Abigail’s Arms. Making the presentation of these gifts at the Abigail’s Arms office, were the 4H Courageous Canines President Kaylee Sicking and Vice President Jessica Steed. Making this project possible are the 4H families from Whitesboro, Gainesville, Era, Lindsay and Muenster.

The 4H dog handlers will have a Spring Service Project, providing more pet supplies to the families of Abigail’s Arms. To make a donation, call Angie Williams at 940-372-0409.