It's love that draws volunteers and employees to SouthCoast pet shelters -

It's love that draws volunteers and employees to SouthCoast pet shelters -

When you’re making your holiday gift list during this holiday season, be sure not to forget the countless animals that rely on the support of local animal shelters throughout the region. Perhaps you can adopt a homeless cat or kitten, a playful puppy or older dog or another pet that needs to find a home and have a second chance to enjoy a better life.

Consider making a financial donation to a local shelter to honor or remember a beloved family pet or donate a bag of pet supplies and some premium cat and dog food. These hardworking employees and dedicated volunteers struggle to meet their budgets and keep the lights on as they provide quality care for animals in our communities.

For people of all ages who have an hour or two to spare, why not donate your time to a local animal shelter? Volunteers are need to perform a variety of tasks ranging from kitty cleanup to dog walking to fundraising and bookkeeping. The work is rewarding and you’ll leave at the end of the day knowing that you’ve helped to make the world a better place for a less fortunate animal.


At CARE Southcoast (Center for Animal Rescue & Education), it’s all about giving deserving animals a second chance.

Ruth Marshman, president of the Acushnet-based nonprofit organization, reveals “she’s been an animal person since day one,” and as a child, she always enjoyed a menagerie of lovable animals.

“I saved my money to buy a horse,” Marshman recalls. “His name was Pooh Bear. I took care of him every morning before school.”

She also recalls bringing countless strays home for a good meal and later engaging in diligent searches to find the animals' owners or a suitable new family companion.

“It all stems from my childhood,” she says. “I like animals better than people, and I have no problem telling people that.”

Several years ago, when Marshman began working for a local seafood broker, she noted an abundance of abandoned cats and kittens searching for food around the fish plant.

“My friend and I would catch them and take them to the veterinarian,” she says. “We’d pool our money, pay the vet bills and try to find good homes.”

Marshman says those early days of catching errant felines eventually grew into CARE SouthCoast. The organization has a vast network of volunteers, some of whom serve as foster parents while others work in the shelter or provide transportation. “All of our dogs and a few of the cats are in foster homes,” Marshman says. She adds that the CARE SouthCoast shelter, 111 Main St., Acushnet, has growing pains and needs new quarters.

“We are looking for a permanent and bigger facility,” Marshman says.

The shelter president shares that the organization cares for 300 or more homeless or surrendered animals every year.

“We often put their medical care on our own charge cards,” Marshman says. “Honestly, there’s never enough.” She adds that while many veterinarians substantially reduce the fees for veterinary care, costs remain high.

Some veterinary bills exceed more than $10,000, depending on the procedure. Many animals have limbs that have been amputated or severely injured, and require extensive and compassionate care. A few of the pets and their foster caregivers have bonded so well that the animals have been permanently adopted.

Marshman adds that in addition to escalating veterinary costs, other shelter expenses include property insurance, food and litter, cleaning products and building maintenance.

According to Marshman, the organization is always in need more foster homes, additional benefactors and a grant writer.

For canines that need assistance settling into their new environment, the shelter can provide a trainer to work with the dog and its owner to assist in the transition to the animal’s new home.

“The animals we take wouldn’t do well or be accepted in a traditional shelter,” Marshman says. “A lot of them would be dead. They are imperfectly perfect.”


Fairhaven Animal Shelter Director Terry Cripps is a man who wears many hats. And loves all of his jobs. Cripps serves as the town’s animal control officer and animal inspector, and operates its busy animal shelter.

Cripps recently hired a paid assistant and oversees a corps of 25 volunteers.

The shelter is partially funded by the Town of Fairhaven with donations from a gift account that helps fund veterinary expenses, building maintenance and pet supplies, Cripps said.

“If I ask for kitty litter on social media, I’ll get enough to last a month in two hours,” he said.

According to the shelter director, the Fairhaven facility is capable of holding 25 cats and 13 dogs.

“It’s not a big shelter,” Cripps continues. At the present time, the shelter only serves Fairhaven.

Cripps notes there is a $25 surrender fee for any cat or dog that is relinquished to the town. The animal must be evaluated to ensure that it is healthy, then spayed or neutered and then placed up for adoption. Applications are accepted, and Cripps asks questions and discusses the animal with the potential owner.

“I’ll choose the best fit for the animal and its owner,” he said.

Cripsp acknowledges the Fairhaven Animal Shelter could not operate without its volunteer support.

“They are the backbone of this shelter,” he says. Potential volunteers must complete an application, undergo a background check and meet with Cripps. Volunteers must be age 16 and older, and serve an hour to 12 hours per week.

“Our volunteers work tirelessly,” Cripps said, adding that the dedicated individuals reside in Fairhaven and several other local communities along the SouthCoast.

According to Cripps, the shelter needs cat and food, rat and mice food, and kitty litter.

“Kitty litter will last forever,” he says, adding that local animal shelter directors help other shelters with food and supplies when shortages occur.


Since 2009, Pamela and Oren Robinson, founders of “It’s All About the Animals” in Rochester, have focused on improving the lives of felines, most of which have been abandoned or abused.

“Most of the dogs are coming from the South,” says Pamela Robinson. “To work with dogs, you have to do it properly. There is a tremendous need for cats and kittens that need to be rescued.”

Robinson says, for example, that during a recent two-and-a-half week period, the feline shelter took in 64 cats and kittens. The animals were brought from several SouthCoast communities ranging from Fall River to Bourne.

“We’ve invested $115,000 of our own money in the shelter,” says Robinson, adding that her husband maintains the property and facilities.

“One hundred percent of every dollar goes directly to the care of the animals,” she says, adding that a small $2,500 grant from the Massachusetts Animal Coalition can only be used for feral cats and low-income families for spaying and neutering.

Robinson says it costs about $75,000 annually to operate the shelter, some of which is recouped from adoption fees.

She adds that after five years of fundraising and struggling, a new building was recently constructed that provides laundry and bathroom facilities and offers more free roaming space for the shelter’s cats.

“At least 400 cats and kittens come through the shelter every year,’ Robinson says, adding that pet owners must be diligent to get their animals spayed or neutered.

“Last year we lost 56 kittens alone that could not be saved because of the condition that these animals were in.”


According to Gail Furtado, president of Forever Paws in Fall River, “There is always a need for funding and corporate sponsors.” She emphasizes that a thin line keeps the nonprofit financially stable.

Beverly Andrade, treasurer of the organization, says it takes about $300,000 to operate the facility. Four full-time employees, including a full-time administrator, and five part-time shelter workers serve on the staff, along with 20 volunteers.

A 12-member board of directors governs the organization.

“We have an extensive program for volunteers,” Furtado adds.

Forever Paws currently holds contracts with the City of Bedford, City of Fall River and Town of Westport to house animals at the shelter.

Adult dogs, for example, are charged $260. All dogs are spayed or neutered, receive a 1-year rabies vaccination, heartworm testing, kennel cough vaccination, canine distemper combo vaccination, preventive heartworm medication, worming and flea control prior to adoption. Microchip with registration is included.

Furtado adds that the shelter facility is a constant hub of activity.

“In September, we adopted 61 animals out,” she notes, adding that in addition to cats and dogs, the shelter also works with mice, guinea pigs, rabbits and has also cared for a pot-bellied pig.

According to Furtado, the shelter’s growing “wish list” includes paper towels, office supplies, bleach, laundry soap, clumping and clay litter, pet food and toys.

“I am very proud of our staff and all the work that they do,” she said.