People can help donate food and pet supplies to local shelters - KIMA CBS 29

People can help donate food and pet supplies to local shelters - KIMA CBS 29

YAKIMA Wash. -- If you are in the holiday spirit of giving, you can help save the lives of several pets by donating during this season.

Several pets and shelters are suffering during the winter time because there aren’t enough resources to care for all the strays.

Medical director of the Yakima Humane Society Jennifer Fitzpatrick says many shelters don’t want to leave any animals out in the cold so they have packed their facilities.

“A lot of people think just because our pets have furry coats that they are not going to be at risk with the conditions associated with the cold but pets definitely experience frost bite and hypothermia just like we do," said Fitzpatrick.

But caring for so many animals has caused several shelters to run out of supplies.

Fitzpatrick says in one month, they go through 150 pounds of kitty litter, 40 pounds of cat food and 300 pounds of dog and puppy food.

This is why the people at Evergreen Home Loans have purchased gift cards from local coffee shops to give away 200 $5 gift cards to any person that donates food or pet supplies.

Branch Manager at Evergreen Home Loans Linda Orozco says they have done drive donations for many other organizations throughout the year but this drive is especially important to them.

She say it’s not only about donating food or supplies, its about helping pets find a temporary shelter, while they find their forever homes.

“We want to make sure that as these winter months come along and snow starts to happen that all these animals are taken care of," said Orozco.

Orozco says they want to see more people stop by and donate since they have only gotten a few items and still have many gift cards left.

All the donations will be provided to the Yakima Valley Pet Rescue organization.

People can drop off their items at the Evergreen Home Loans building located at 3999 Englewood ave, Suite 202, During their regular business hours.

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