If you fall in love with a puppy, you never know where it will lead you. On a weekend outing, two brothers took their fiancées to look at puppies at a 2013 Dog Fest, never suspecting that their lives, and those of other dog owners, would be transformed.
Zach Phillips and his then-fiancée, Alex Jarrell (now Phillips), of Orinda, invited Nate Phillips and future wife Megan and fell in love with puppies Harlee and Min, respectively. Life with the mini Australian shepherds inspired a new business that caters to busy dog owners who want the very best for their canine buddies.
“When we started shopping for food for Min, I had a feeling of nostalgia looking at the same brand of dog kibble that my dad brought home and put in a plastic bin in the garage,” recalls Nate Phillips. “The food choices haven’t changed much since then, even the premium brands.”
Then Harlee began to suffer from mange, and both couples were concerned. The veterinarian told Alex and Zach the symptoms were caused by a weak immune system and suggested they cook fresh food for him.
“In a few days, his condition was completely cleared up,” said, Alex Phillips.
They were so impressed with the results that it became a hot topic of discussion at the San Francisco dog parks they frequented then.
“We began making food for friends and family and wanted to see if there was a market for this,” Alex remembers.
Nate, who was then practicing law, says, “We discovered people appreciate the relationship between food and overall health.”
They met people at the dog parks who wanted to feed their dogs the same thing, but the process of shopping, cooking, figuring out portion sizes and ingredients can be daunting, especially if they work. Then, Nate says, “They asked if it could be delivered.”
“We realized we needed an expert,” Alex comments.
They found Dr. Justin Shmalberg, a clinician and professor at the University of Florida’s Small Animal Hospital and one of the world’s leading specialists on dog nutrition.
“We said, ‘Here are the ingredients we are using,’ and he tested them, calculated the proportions and added the more nutritional ingredients. Then there were more tests,” Alex explains.
Four years ago, NomNomNow began making weekly deliveries of fresh, human-grade food for dogs in packets of two customized portions per day.
The recipe must be tasty because Lafayette customer Kristin Winterbotham says her dog waits by the door for deliveries, and Head Chef/Facilities Manager Michael Roddy says if there are leftovers, the kitchen crew is known to create lunch out of them. Even though Nate Phillips never planned to be in business, he likes to talk about it.
“This business is designed to make the consumer’s life easier. We recommend a meal for the specific dog, and ask about allergies and special health issues, including pet obesity,” he states. “On price, we are competitive with premium brands.”
In a joking tone, Nate adds, “When I graduated from University of California Law School, if anyone told me that 10 years later I would be selling dog food, I would have said they were crazy.”
Alex says the company has grown from the couples — now married — cooking in their kitchens for a few San Francisco customers into an Oakland office and a production facility in Pittsburg that employs about 70 people, shipping to customers nationwide.
Contact Dana Guzzeti at dguzzetti10@gmail.com or call 925-202-9292.