MAILBAG: Pet food ministry buoyed by Pack 67 | Opinion | - Lockport Union-Sun & Journal

MAILBAG: Pet food ministry buoyed by Pack 67 | Opinion | - Lockport Union-Sun & Journal

On behalf of animals receiving support through Mario's Pet Food Ministry, I wish to thank the members of Cub Scout Pack 67 in Wilson. This very enthusiastic bunch of boys, headed by Julie Duerr, held a donation drive for the ministry in April and the Wilson community donated two huge boxes of assorted pet food products.

These scouts went a step further, breaking down the large sacks of kibble into gallon bags for distribution, decorated with animal designs.

One of the scouts, Jason Kulak, his mom Ashley Kulak and aunt Cassey Gillard delivered the beautifully packed, donated pet food to Mario's emergency location in Wheatfield.

This is a beautiful way to teach these young boys how to reach out and do good deeds for others, including animals. Once much-needed shelving is made at the new Mario's emergency pet food center to house pet food, the Cub Scouts will be invited there to help stock the shelves with the donations that they secured from the public. This will be full circle and a life lesson that these scouts will carry for life.

Thank you, Pack 67, you should be very proud of yourselves. You rock!

To the community: Any donated products / labor will be warmly welcomed and very much appreciated, so that Mario's emergency center can continue helping to feed hungry animals.

An animal lover who donated his time to get this project finished unfortunately passed away before the work was done, which was devastating. You were so giving and dedicated, Mike, and will never be forgotten.

PAULETTE COTY, Niagara Falls, operator of Mario's Pet Food Ministry,