Pet food pantries available to help pet owners year round -

Pet food pantries available to help pet owners year round -

NEW HAVEN, Conn. (WTNH)–While food banks are helping families in need for the holiday, other places like the New Haven Animal Shelter help pet owners all year long.

Thanksgiving is the time of year you may think about helping others in need. We often hear of food pantries collecting turkeys and non-perishables for families that need help during the holidays, but did you know there are places that will help out your furry friends as well?

“We get a lot of donations, either from the community or from a lot of the pet stores who have overstock of food they haven’t sold. We have a certain corridor in the building where we put this stuff and folks from the community or less fortunate come in and sign in, and ask for food for their animals or toys or whatever that they feel like they need or they could use,” said Officer Joe Manganiello, New Haven Animal Shelter.

The Friends of New Haven Animal Shelter has their own pet food pantry for those who need a little help, not just for the holidays, but all year round.

News 8 ran into Frank who was picking up a bag for an elderly family member who needed some food for his pups.

“I come get the dog food for my family member because he can’t get out and buy dog food, he’s older and has older dogs. So I come down and pick up dog food for him when they run out. They have a good thing there, they’re looking out for the community for people that need dog food and make sure they have it. Come in and get it, no problem, sign the book, if they got it, you can get it,” said Frank Black.

Troy Smith comes down to the shelter once in a while and appreciates help with other necessities.

“It helps when things get a little tight. You can bring them here, they’ll tell you what’s wrong with the dog, if you don’t have veterinary money. They also have food, toys, and medicine, and shampoo and all types of stuff to groom your dog,” said Troy Smith.

There are other places that offer assistance to furry family members. There is a pet food section at the Branford Food Council. And the Connecticut Humane Society has their own Pet Food Pantry program which provides cat and dog food to pet owners on a monthly basis, but you need to apply online.

If you would like to help out, donations are always welcome.