Report pet-food safety concerns - Fort Worth Star Telegram

Report pet-food safety concerns - Fort Worth Star Telegram

Dear Readers: Food safety is important not only for people, but for pets, too. If you have a concern about a pet food, or if your pet gets ill after consuming a pet food, the Food and Drug Administration ( would like you to report it.

Here is some information you need: the name of the food, how it was packaged and stored, the bar code, lot number and expiration date.

You’ll also need to report if the packaging was damaged, or if there was any tampering to the food. And of course, provide all relevant medical information about the animal.

The vast majority of pet foods on the market are completely safe and nutritious for your pet. But if a trend occurs, the FDA needs to know about it.

Visit the FDA’s website for complete details. Submit your report to:



Dear Readers: The beauty industry is booming. Women — and men, too — spend billions on beauty each year, but there are other methods you can use to save money. One sure way is to head to the pantry and grab the baking soda.

Here are some baking-soda beauty budget-busters:

Baking soda makes a mild exfoliator for your face. To deep-clean, about once a week combine three parts baking soda and one part water. Lightly rub in circles on your skin, avoiding the eye area. Rinse thoroughly.

Scrub nails and cuticles clean before a manicure. Run an old toothbrush through some baking soda and then over the nail beds.

Run out of deodorant? Put on baking soda to absorb sweat and odor.

A sprinkle of baking soda makes for a quick-dry shampoo. Brush through with your fingers.



Dear Heloise: We purchased insulated windows and sliding doors. They are great to keep the summer heat out and the cool air conditioning in, but the problem is that they are heavy and don’t slide very well.

We found that if you spray furniture-polish spray in the tracks, they glide without any resistance.

Howard and Fran Z., Mission Viejo, Calif.

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