Think twice before giving your pet food from your holiday table - Island Packet

Think twice before giving your pet food from your holiday table - Island Packet

No matter how much you think your pet will like the taste, there are certain foods that may grace your holiday table that you should absolutely not give to them.

Most of the foods contain ingredients that are considered highly toxic and lethal for dogs and cats, like onions, garlic, grapes and chocolate.

If ingested, especially in large quantities, you should seek medical advice from your veterinarian.

Other dishes contain ingredients that may induce diarrhea or vomiting, and who wants to deal with that after eating a huge turkey meal?

For a full list of foods that you should not feed to your pet at the holidays, make sure to watch the video.

Bottom line is, although you may want to include your pet in the festivities, think twice before you feed them from the table.

Instead of pumpkin pie, give your pet a little raw pumpkin straight from the can.

Your pet will thank you.