Davidson County students provide pet supplies for low-income seniors - myfox8.com

Davidson County students provide pet supplies for low-income seniors - myfox8.com

DAVIDSON COUNTY, N.C. -- They may be elementary school children, but the children at Midway Elementary School in Davidson County have big hearts and want to help!

"You know when I heard about seniors sharing their food with their pets, and you know seniors they also need their strength too," said fourth-grade student Aubrey Maners. "And also I mean I love animals very very much so I really wanted to help out and I know other people wanted to help out too!"

So the student council got busy and began encouraging other students to bring in pet supplies for seniors that receive Meals on Wheels.

The student council members made announcements and handed out flyers so their peers understood the need. And then, they watched the donations pour in.

And all the while they are learning lessons that can't be found in their school books.

And those who work with the senior citizens say it will give them a boost too.

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