Purchase Street businesses turn pet supply drive into a friendly competition - SouthCoastToday.com

Purchase Street businesses turn pet supply drive into a friendly competition - SouthCoastToday.com

Downtown business owners Roger Chouinard of Purchase Street Records and neighbor Shaun Monteiro of Finest Hour Athletics are like many others this holiday season, looking to spread some Christmas cheer to those in need.

But they’re targeting their efforts at four-legged friends who don’t have a home to go to for the holidays.

The businessmen are not only hosting a pet food and toy drive to benefit two local shelters, but they are turning it into a friendly competition with some truly costly stakes.

“Whoever gets less donations has to wear a kitty shirt and post a picture on Instagram,” said Chouinard. “You know, like a purple or fuchsia shirt with a picture of a cat and glitter and stuff on it.”

Chouinard’s collections at the record store will go to Lighthouse Animal Shelter in New Bedford. Donations to Monteiro’s gym go to the Fairhaven Animal Shelter.

Donations of pet food, toys and cleaning supplies for the shelters can be dropped off at the respective business or shelter. The drive continues through Dec. 30.

“I’m an animal lover,” said Chouinard. “I have three dogs and I have friends who work at Lighthouse Animal Shelter. I’m sure these guys know what Christmas is — being with someone else and everything.

“I’ve done toy drives before, but this year I said I want to do a pet drive and give these guys something nice."

Not only will the drive help homeless pets enjoy some Christmas cheer with a new toy to play with, but it also might help some find a new home for the holidays, Chouinard said.

“It might bring somebody to the shelter who’s looking for a pet and might find a home for one of these pets,” he said.

The drive also further bonds the two downtown businesses, which share more than just a street.

“Him and I started our businesses around the same time and we really are inspiration to each other,” Chouinard said of Monteiro. “We really believe in our brands and want to make it work in our town.”

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