Warning: These dog treats and pet food may pose salmonella risk according to FDA - Today.com

Warning: These dog treats and pet food may pose salmonella risk according to FDA - Today.com

These treats are produced by Smokehouse Pet Products, Inc. of Sun Valley, California, and come in 4-ounce bags. They were distributed mainly in Washington, Michigan, North Carolina and Colorado.

Contact Smokehouse Pet Products at 1-877-699-7387 with questions.

Take these recalls seriously. Salmonella can cause your pet all kinds of problems, like diarrhea, lethargy and vomiting. It's contagious to other pets as well as to humans. If you think your dog has eaten contaminated food, call your veterinarian.

People can also pick up the bacteria from handling contaminated food, especially if they don't wash their hands. (Please wash your hands.)

And a reminder for all pet lovers: the FDA previously issued a warning that raw pet foods are generally more likely to be contaminated with harmful bacteria than cooked foods.