Here are some jobs pulled from the Patch Jobs Board. Click through to read about the position find out how to apply. You'll find more jobs through our Jobs Board search tool.
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Office Clerk, Pinnacle Contractors (537 S. Vermont St., Palatine): The part-time position has flexible morning hours and performs office tasks, such as keeping accurate records, data entry and responding to vendor questions. Must have experience with Quick Books, Microsoft Word and Excel. Go to the listing on Patch's Job Board for details.
Membership Service Representative, Crunch Fitness, Palatine
Customer Service Associate – Entry Level, Capitol City Management Inc., Palatine
Part-Time Package Center Supervisor, UPS, Palatine
Life Insurance Product Specialist, AccuQuote, Palatine
Manager, Giannis Cafe, Palatine
Sales Representative, Midtown Athletic Clubs, Palatine
Art Instructor (Day Camp), YMCA, Palatine
Electronics Team Member, Target, Arlington Heights
Customer Support Engineer, General Electric, Arlington Heights
Shift Supervisor, Pet Supplies Plus, Arlington Heights
Merchandising Specialist, Best Buy, Arlington Heights
Route Sales Representative (Commission), Aramark, Arlington Heights
Sales Associate, America's Flooring Place, Arlington Heights
CSC — Sales Consultant (Part Time) — Multiple Openings, Comcast, Arlington Heights
Assistant Property Manager, Draper and Kramer, Arlington Heights
Restaurant Assistant General Manager, Noodles and Company, Arlington Heights
Laundry — Housekeeping Aide, HCR Manor Care, Arlington Heights
Drug Store Manager, Duane Reade, Arlington Heights
Material Control Receiver, Marriott, Arlington Heights
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Image via Patch