COMMUNITY GIVING: Girl Scout Troop 45165's pet-food drive - West Seattle Blog (blog)

COMMUNITY GIVING: Girl Scout Troop 45165's pet-food drive - West Seattle Blog (blog)

The photos and report are from Jan Roberts at the West Seattle Food Bank:

Hurray for Arbor Heights Girl Scout Troop 45165, who went above and beyond today hosting a pet-food drive outside Petco in The Junction! In response, the West Seattle community generously gave pet food, pet supplies, and cash to support the West Seattle Food Bank Pet Pantry.

The donor above gave his total savings of $40 from his piggy bank to our furry friends in need.

These two stopped by with pet food, smiles and wags!

Pet food is also among the items accepted at the WSFB (35th and Morgan). The number of households visiting the food bank is up dramatically, we heard today, so whatever you can spare is welcome – and you are also invited to the WSFB’s big Instruments of Change fundraising dinner/auction on May 12th – details and a link for tickets are here.