Pet Food Co. Can't Shake Fraud Claim Over Metal Content - Law360

Pet Food Co. Can't Shake Fraud Claim Over Metal Content - Law360
Law360 (July 31, 2019, 3:55 PM EDT) -- An Illinois federal judge on Tuesday cut false advertising claims from a proposed class action alleging Champion Petfoods USA's products contain toxins and heavy metals, but kept alive several fraud claims.

U.S. District Judge Virginia M. Kendall also dismissed a claim from named plaintiffs Afshin Zarinebaf and Zachary Chernik that the company's pet food contains the barbiturate pentobarbital. But she said the plaintiffs can move forward with fraud claims based on the alleged presence of heavy metals in the food.

Judge Kendall disagreed with the company's assertion that the claims fail because the plaintiffs didn't allege the levels at which heavy metals and...

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