Strengthening sustainable brands in the pet food marketplace -

Strengthening sustainable brands in the pet food marketplace -

Meeting regulatory guidelines with OVN

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cat eating kibble

Pet food products are highly regulated, from the ingredients used, through to production, marketing and sales. This need for tight regulation and control is only right. Pets are important family members, and just like children, they depend on us to provide safe, nourishing food that supports their lifelong health and wellbeing. The 2007 pet food recall due to melamine contamination brought pet food, and the ingredients used to make it, to the attention of the regulators and pet parents. Since then, other pet food recalls have unfortunately occurred, not only related to unsafe, poor quality ingredients, but also due to inappropriate vitamin inclusion.



143 Salmonella cases tied to pig ear dog chews from 3 firms

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration updated its report on its ongoing investigation into Salmonella infections connected to pig ear dog treats.

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Sustaining the active canine

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Just like human athletes, canine athletes need specialist nutrition, supported by appropriate training to perform at their very best. When considering the active dog, it is easy to think of the extremes, the Greyhound and endurance racing Husky, from which much information on canine nutritional requirements for activity have been generated. Practically, this does bring challenges to dietary design and the need for appropriate interpretation, as the range of activities that dogs participate in is varied; for example, dogs retrieving game in the hunting field, farm herding dogs, military dogs, mountain search and rescue dogs and those taking part in events such as agility.



7 Pet food solutions for companion animal health

Beyond providing nutritionally balanced formulations, pet food manufacturers can help the health of dogs, cats and other pets. Functional ingredients, probiotics and similar additions to a basic diet may provide benefits to pets, such as boosting the immune system or cognitive function. In these seven articles, Petfood Industry covered how companies apply research on companion animal nutrition to new pet products.

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Connecting vitamin premix supply to consumer assurance

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Chinese style pet food trends

What do vitamins have to do with consumer assurance? Food quality is high on the consumers agenda, not only for themselves but also for their furry children due to highly publicized pet food fraud scandals, pet food recalls related to vitamins, an overall increase in nutritional health awareness, and pet humanization. This loss of consumer trust in the pet food industry has led to owners questioning what goes into their pet’s food. As an example, a 2017 MetrixLab consumer study commissioned by DSM indicated that those pet parents responsible for buying the pet food for the home were concerned about the traceability and origin of ingredients used to make their pets food.