Leeds-based online pet store Monster Pet Supplies has  increased turnover by 47% despite being hit by the Boxing Day floods last year.

The company – established in 2010 by local businessman Jonny Gould (above, right) – was one of the many businesses in Kirkstall hit by the storms.

It applied to the Business Growth Programme and was awarded a grant from the Leeds City Region Local Enterprise Partnership (The LEP) to fund a move into new premises.  New 18,500 sq ft premises includes a state-of-the-art warehouse for stock and distribution and enough office space for the company to expand.

Monster Pet Supplies shipped more than 4.3 million tonnes of pet food to nearly half a million customers nationwide last year, reporting turnover of £6.3million. In 2014, the firm struck a deal with Waitrose to launch Waitrose Pet, an online specialist pet store offering over 9,000 products.

Gould said: “Boxing Day last year was a testing time for the business. As a retailer, Christmas is the busiest time of the year and on top of Monster Pet Supplies’ national customer base, we also had the orders from WaitrosePet.com and other partners to fulfil.

“We’re incredibly grateful for the help received from staff, friends, volunteers – it may have been a very different story without them. Moving into new premises will help us to achieve our ambitious growth plans and it will also open the door to recruitment opportunities here in Leeds over the next 12 months.”