Eureka Park Preview: PetMio Smart Technology For Smart Pet Food - Nibletz

Eureka Park Preview: PetMio Smart Technology For Smart Pet Food - Nibletz

petmio-ces2018-eurekapark-top Eureka Park Preview: PetMio Smart Technology For Smart Pet Food

We all love our pets, but for most of us, their eating habits start at Walmart and possibly PetsMart if they’re really lucky. Sure we may be buying the “high end” pet food, or if we’re really in tune with our pets we may be cooking them raw, organic food, but that’s just the start of it.

A good, healthy lifestyle for your pet, starts with knowing how active your pet is, how much the eat, when they eat and the things they do before and after they eat. You may be able to monitor all of that for a day or two. You may even have one of those pet camera systems but are you watching it all day long?

PetMio is a hybrid company in the technology business and the pet food/health business. They’ve created a technology based platform to provide pets with the best possible food, delivered right to your door.

It all starts with PetMio’s connected pet food bowls. You feed your pet the PetMio food and the bowl tracks the weight, how long the food sits and how long it takes for your pet to eat it. This all works in tandem with the Smart Tracker collar. The collar fits comfortably around your pet’s neck and tracks their sleep, activity and habits. The BlueTooth connected, water proof collar comes in a variety of colors and has rechargeable batteries. Using the PetMio app you can see all of the data collected from both connected devices, but it also works automagically, communicating with PetMio. PetMio knows when your pet needs more food and it’s packaged and sent to you automatically.

PetMio calls their food service Intelligent Nutrition. They take your pets age, health and activity cycle into consideration when preparing perfectly well balanced food, specifically for your pet. All of their personalized food features organic, all natural, locally sourced, human grade ingredients.

PetMio also makes things easy for the busy pet owner. Getting started is just a simple three step process:

  • subscribe
  • sync your devices and the PetMio products
  • every month they’ll analyze your pet, create your pets food and deliver it to your door.

Learn more about how pet food, health and diet is being reinvented through technology at CES 2018 in Las Vegas, January 9-12th in Eureka Park, booth #52823 and online at 

CES-nibletz-house-banner-2 Eureka Park Preview: PetMio Smart Technology For Smart Pet Food

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